about me

I have been drawing and painting for as long as I can remember. Unfortunately I didn't have as much time for my hobby when I started university in 2017, but I have since found the time to persue my passion again and I am focusing hard on trying to improve my skills.

Aside from art, much of my free time is spent teaching myself how to code. As with art, I have been passionate about computers from a young age and I was the designated tech support for my family. I would usually work on call, rushing to my grandmas house whenever something was wrong with her computer, like the volume not working. She was always so impressed with my skills!

Jokes aside, much of my childhood was spent modding my gaming systems so I could get new Mario Kart Wii tracks, or free games for my DS and 3DS. When I wasn't console gaming, I was playing Minecraft on a server I had created myself to play with my friends. Despite my thorough interest and knowlege of computers and computer networking, I decided that Psychiatric Nursing the carreer path I wanted to persue when I applied for university. As you can imagine, that didn't last long.

After much contemplation and a few tough decisions, I decided that computer science was ultimately the path I wanted to take. While I am looking to enroll in Red River's Intro to Computer Systems sometime in the near future, I'm teaching myself HTML, CSS, and Javascript through The Odin Project while I wait. The course helped me update my website to what you see before you currently. I'm really looking forward to expanding my knowlege!

Some of my other interest include: Art history, photography, photoshop and video editing, and crocheting. Right now most of my time is dedicated to improving my skills that will hopefully be useful in my carrer someday!